James Hunter Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD): Vote No SCVWD Measure B

Vote No SCVWD Measure B

The Mercury News, IA (Internal Affairs), 10/07/2012, "Santa Clara Valley Water District just can't seem to get the details right".   The court ruled to allow Measure B be placed on the November 2012 ballot, the court filing shows the various errors SCVWD made. They re-visit the mistakes made as SCVWD tried to successfully get Measure B on the November 6, 2012 ballot:

Santa Clara Valley Water District
2/3 Vote
Measure B:  Safe, Clean Water Program

  • Ensure safe, reliable water supply;
  • Reduce toxins, hazards and contaminants in waterways;
  • Protect water supply and dams from earthquakes and natural disasters;
  • Restore wildlife habitat and provide open space;
  • Provide flood protection to homes, schools and businesses;
  • Provide safe, clean water in creeks and bays,

Shall Santa Clara Valley Water District renew an existing, expiring parcel tax without increasing rates, and issue bonds, described in Resolution 12-62, with independent citizen oversight and annual audits?

Please vote: No

There are a lot of things involved that the text on the ballot doesn't describe:
  1. The parcel tax is for 15 years as was the original current parcel tax.
  2. 3% is the basic annual increase, as in the initial parcel tax some years may be higher, The rate could also be adjusted upward (up to CPI plus 4.5%) for up to three years immediately following a year in which a natural disaster is declared in the District's flood zones to pay for the costs of repairs caused by the disaster.
  3. In 2000 the measure was called, "Clean and Safe Creeks" and in 2012 "Safe, Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection". Basically a BILLION DOLLARS will have been raised, by the two Parcel Taxes to support what keeps being presented to voters as an environmentally friendly program. Historically they have packaged the Parcel Tax to appeal to sufficient voters to gain a 2/3 super majority, using a somewhat misleading brochures and public information. According to the Santa Clara Grand Jury report
  4. Who are the "independent auditors" are they a sub-committee of the board? This needs to be clarified.
  5. Who is TBWB Strategies and what role have they played in assisting SCVWD their Parcel Tax Proposition in a marketing effort to get you to vote Yes and as important, putting the "right spin" can make the difference in getting enough votes. "Safe, Clean, Natural" resonate and sound appealing to voters, much more than seismic retro-fit! 
SCVWD has retained the firm TBWB Strategies in the previous parcel tax effort and again in SCVWD current parcel tax measure. They have been very successful and promote their success on their website.

TBWB specializes in working with public agencies to design winning public finance measures for the ballot and working with communities to run the advocacy campaigns to ensure these measures are approved by voters.

Since 1996 the consultants at TBWB have passed over 100 ballot measures – most requiring supermajority voter approval – for school districts, community college districts, cities, counties, transportation agencies, healthcare districts, fire districts and others. We maintain a nearly 90% win rate.

How much of our tax money has been spent to "package" Proposition B to voters? 4,000 DVDs were distributed, tens of thousands of glossy brochures, focus groups, polling.................... The charges from TBWB as well as other consultants and a significant number of highly paid SCVWD unclassified staff? Don't forget when the reward is $548 million dollars, if they pass Proposition B, of our taxes!

Is it fair to use tax payers money to promote a tax proposition?  Another view is that this is education and community outreach............ You be the judge, if you think it's OK to use your tax money to manipulate your opinion then vote yes, if you'd rather get facts with less spin and packaging vote no. The only way we will get  understandable, clear, information is to withhold money until they publish and be as transparent as the SCVWD CEO has stated, in a recent KNBC interview.

Is SCVWD misleading voters? The last report from the Santa Clara County Grand Jury has thought so and stated it in their report. You be the judge, please join me and vote No on Proposition B.

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